
Sciensational Sssnakes!! provides hands-on educational programs for all ages about reptiles and amphibians. Our main focus is on native Ontario species. This is a very important topic because reptiles are the most at risk group of animals in our province. We provide flexible programming, usually with a show or display format all months of the year. Snakes dominate most of our shows for many reasons. They are almost perfectly designed for hands-on activities. They are safe, clean and easy to handle. They are one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet, and suffer greatly because of this lack of knowledge about them. Very limited hands-on opportunities are possible with lizards and turtles. Amphibians are generally restricted to displays, as their sensitive skin precludes handling.


Jenny's love of snakes began at a very early age, as this picture will attest!  From the age of three snakes were an important part of her life, and the interest and concern for these animals has continued to grow.

Sciensational Sssnakes!! was started as a business in 1994 after Jenny Pearce and Jeff Hathaway graduated from the University of Guelph. Prior to this, Jenny had been doing educational snake programs as early as 1985 on a voluntary basis. 

Initially part time, Sciensational Sssnakes!! became Jenny’s full-time occupation late in 1996, and Jeff’s in 2001. The business was started in Guelph, ON, moved to Etobicoke and then to Orillia, where Scales Nature Park was created while Sciensational Sssnakes!! continued to educate people across Canada. In 2012 Jenny and Jeff separated, Jeff continues to own and operate Scales Nature Park while coming full circle Jenny has moved Sciensational Sssnakes!! back to where it all began in Guelph. With the aid of volunteers, many from the University of Guelph, and fantastic staff, Sciensational Sssnakes!! continues to provide excellent educational opportunities to people of all ages at all manner of venues across the province. We hope to continue this trend of high quality programming for many years to come.